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Antonius helps you take the next step

How do you make sure that your product is both affordable and easy to produce? Our knowledge of materials and production processes helps companies take engineering decisions that positively impact their product design and manufacture as well as their bottom line.

Many companies seem to struggle when they are moving their product from design to series production. The question of manufacturability only comes up when release dates or pricing for a product have already been set. By then, it is too late to make meaningful changes to the design, leading to delays or significantly increased costs. We help companies to prevent this from happening.

OEMs and machine builders are facing significant challenges that require manufacturing expertise to solve them. Expertise that they no longer have like they did in the past. Moving from concept development to at-scale production is becoming more time constraint as market pressure increases due to both competitive pressure and customers expecting rapid innovation and iteration.

We strongly believe that companies need to incorporate the manufacturing knowledge of their suppliers into their development process to make their product manufacturable and be able to go to market faster and more successful.

Antonius unique strengths can be found at the intersection of engineering and manufacturing. We have been expanding our engineering, sales and project management capabilities to further support companies that are developing new or updated products and excels in supporting companies develop and engineer their products for manufacturing on a larger scale. By applying our manufacturing knowledge and experience to your product designs at an early stage of the engineering process we improve your time to market and are able to accurately predict production costs.

Our extensive knowledge of production processes and construction allows us to help our clients adapt their product or parts to at-scale production. The resulting product can be manufactured in the required timeframe and at a cost that allows for a competitive margin. Subsequently, Antonius can either manufacture it or oversee production at another facility, making us a trusted partner for companies in a wide range of markets.

Our team of specialized engineers, project managers and planners work closely with the client on moving the product through the various stages of the engineering project.


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